The Mystery of Naronia

A very specific period of six hundred years is called a Naroses, or a Naronic Cycle. Naros is founded upon clear astronomical science, and according to Thomas H. Burgoyne, is an astronomical fact. The Naros is a Messianic Cycle, a Luni-Solar cycle, and is the most ancient of all astronomical cycles in Occultism. It is during these special 600 year cycles that the conditions for a 'Messianic teacher', or an inspired reformer, is prominent on this earth because of the increased mental energies of humanity. Perfect examples of this are the gurus Krishna, Buddha, and Jesus just to give a few of the most recognizable names of incredible reformers of their day, and who are still influencing ours, but there have been many more than just these three. We are in the beginning stages of another 600 year cycle which began around the late 1800's early 1900's. (Mormons believe that Joseph Smith was the latest of these messianic reformers.) But, according to Thomas from his work in, The Light of Egypt, he says, "The Messianic Messenger of the ages will not be fully know until he is passed through the valley of the shadow of death, and is beyond the power of the world to flatter or condemn... He can only be known by the generations which are to follow. Hope, Faith, and Charity were the symbols of the Nazarene. They were needed in His day and time, but Life, Light, and Love are the great requirements of today; they are the pressing needs of the hour." (Joseph Smith is dead, but he was definitely not a teacher of Life, Light, and Love! Mormons are stuck in the past, teaching the exact opposite idea of Naronia. Naronia is about being your own savior; Mormonism is about needing to be saved from your sins by someone else, which can never work. We must workout our own salvation. And what is it we truly need to be saved from? Our sins? I don't think so, to sin simply means to 'miss the mark', it is nothing more than a mistake that can be corrected, and it must be corrected by the so called 'sinner'. No one else can pay the price for your 'sins'. Big sins, or little sins, they are the same. They can't be dumped off on another to bear them, and truly the only salvation mankind is in desperate need of is the salvation from ignorance, fear, and superstition!) 

This briefly explains the physical aspect of the Naros. There is an occulted, hidden mystery to it as well, the Mystery of Naronia. "The Mystery of Naronia refers to the expansion and contraction of the human constitution... (Naronia) is a cycle of the Soul and enacts upon the spiritual plane of human existence... Each year of life... the Sun returns to the same sign and degree of the Zodiac that he occupied in the horoscope, (at your birth). In this transit, Solar force renews the life energies of the Soul and re-galvanizes them with additional force (spiritually). These germs of new forces are Virtues, Powers, Potencies and Deific attributes of the great Solar Orb. They are spiritual ovums, or seeds of human possibilities, and if consciously nourished and cherished will evolve powers and states within the Human Soul, which correspond in their action to our hidden spiritual attributes. If unnoticed, and uncared for, they remain until other forces polarize them, and then pass onward down their cycle. When the Moon in the course of her motion, arrives at the same place during each month, (your sun sign of the Zodiac), she impregnates these seeds and endows them with magnetic life; therefore, in an occult sense, she (the moon) confers upon humanity the powers and possibilities of magical forces, (healing through regeneration of the blood). It is this Luni-Solar influx of Naronia within the human constitution, then, that controls the real foundation and basis of spiritual development and occult power. Remember these most important facts, then, and, guided by your own spiritual intuitions in the matter, use this knowledge according to the light which Nature has already given you, of which you shall hereafter receive. We have revealed to you the mystery of Naronia; as near as it is possible without leading you out of your safe path, or bringing you nigh unto dangerous ground. For those who are ready to utilize this mystery, what we have here said will be plain and easy of comprehension. For those who are not yet ready, rest assured, it is wiser to wait until your spiritual nature is more highly developed."   ~ Thomas Burgoyne, The Light of Egypt. So, this briefly explains the practice of the Sacred Secretion, or the Mystery of Naronia.

So, how does one consciously nourish, and care for, these precious seeds each month. It is a continual process for me. I can only share my experiences. It is individual. It is how we come to find the 'kingdom of God' within ourselves. For me, the number one thing is meditation. God within us cannot be reached if we never still our minds and quiet the pool of thought. Meditation comes in many forms, and we can use meditation in many different ways throughout our day. Sometimes I do use meditation beads and a mantra that I chant out loud or silently. Sometimes I sit alone in the darkness perfectly still and completely silent. It doesn't have to be along time, time is not the important factor, stillness and darkness are the most important parts of that kind of meditation. Just closing your eyes for a few minutes and going within yourself to the darkness within you is an incredibly important part, which can be done anytime, anywhere. It is amazing that the light of God can only be seen within the darkness of our mind. But, it is an incredible light to behold when you witness it. The invisible light of God is visible when you go within yourself. Sometimes I chant OM, RA, or the ultimate shakti mantra SHREEM. What matters most is that you do some form of meditation everyday, not just when the moon is in your sun sign, but EVERY DAY!! Am I perfect at this? No, but I do try to be still every day and go within. Have I ever witnessed the 'light of God' within myself while in meditation? Yes I have. Not every time, but I have seen it. I know it is there. And I know it is there in everyone, waiting to be discovered. 

Other things that I do to raise the oil, the sacred secretion, each month are to abstain from alcohol, sex, and over eating during that time of the month. I also focus on the seven virtues, trying to cultivate them in my life; they are peace, generosity, purity of intent, courage, compassion, temperance, and humility. Those seven virtues are the exact opposite of the seven deadly sins of wrath, greed, lust, sloth, envy, gluttony, and pride. Turning the seven 'sins' into virtues, like meditation, is a daily practice, not just something I think about when the moon is in my sun sign. These habits of consciousness and meditation are what I am trying to make as natural as breathing. Which brings me to my last practice, watching my breath. Most people are shallow breathers. We take our breath for granted not realizing the amazing things our breath can do for us if we will breathe consciously. I try to be very aware of my breath especially, during that time of the month. 

My sun sign is Virgo, so each month when the moon is in Virgo that is when this seed is being born within me. That is my 'time of the month' for the sacred secretion, when I observe this activity within me. The Sacred Secretion is a monthly process beginning with its birth in my solar plexus and ending with the crucifixion of the seed at the base of my skull. Then the oil rests in the fornix for 2.5 days, (the total time the moon is in my sun sign), and then the oil ascends to the father, which is the pineal gland. The pineal gland is the place where the regeneration of my blood is begun when this sacred oil is returned each month. The birth and the death of this psycho-physical 'seed' happen during the time the moon is in my sun sign, and for you it happens when the moon is in YOUR sun sign. It is a Luni-Solar cycle, meaning it is based on the sun and the moon. It is a continuous cycle, never ending until the death of this body, and it happens to everyone starting around the age of puberty, or about 12 years old, and it doesn't stop until we cease to breathe. 

Joel Goldsmith said, "A teacher can carry you only so far... then you are on your own." He was speaking about meditation, but that statement is true about this process too. You can read about the sacred secretion, the Chrism, the Sacred oil which is anointing your head, until your blue, but it doesn't mean anything until you put it into conscious practice, and how that looks for you, only you can decide. It is up to you figure out how you will nourish and care for your seed. Trial and error are great teachers. You can't be any worse off than you are now by learning to raise the oil consciously. My life has improved in so many ways because I intentionally raise the oil each month. I will share more about how it has changed my life in another post. 


(copy and paste links)

Jim Carry talking about the Sacred Secretion

My book
My website

My YouTube video about the Sacred Secretion

Part 2 the Sacred Secretion Explained


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