
Showing posts from June, 2017

Mind Control through Temple Trauma

If you allow these old white men to dictate your underwear, you just might, possibly, be in a CULT! Family members did tell us some things to prepare us, before that cold March day in 1991 when we first went through the temple, even though you are not suppose to talk about what goes on in the temple to people who have not been through it; they told us what would happen because they didn’t want us to be freaked out during the actual ritual. How you received the garments back then could be uncomfortable, surprising, and even upsetting to some people if you were not prepared. You receive your new underwear before you do anything else in the temple. I was told by a trusted family member that I would be naked with a large cloth 'shield' covering me that was open on both sides for access to my body during the ritual. They also said that a woman would touch me on several parts of my body with both water and then oil as she prayed over me. I was told it was a beautiful ceremony