Who Am I?

 Remember the clear light, the pure clear white light from which everything in the universe comes, to which everything in the universe returns; the original nature of your own mind, the natural state of the universe, un-manifest. Let go into the clear light, trust it, and merge with it. It is your own true nature; it is home. ~ The Tibetan Book of the Dead

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len says this about the meaning of Life, “The only purpose in your life and mine is the restoration of our Identity, our mind, back to its original state of void, or zero, of purity of heart, through non-stop cleaning. It is in the void, at zero, where Divine Love resides, providing inspiration for perfect relationships, perfect health, and perfect wealth…. Only Divine Love can transmute toxic memories into pure energies. Divine Love is the only source of Inspiration and enlightenment...” Dr. Ihaleakala says answering this one question is the most important thing we must accomplish in our lifetime. It is… Who Am I?

Who Am I? I am absolute, Divine Love, radiant, Sacred Light, and perfect Cosmic Christos Consciousness manifest in this physical form in this time/space reality in order to have the ideal life experiences to develop my Soul just like you. That is the truth of who I am. While in this material realm I am performing many roles like daughter, sister, wife, mother, friend, lover, healer, speaker, author, homemaker, chauffeur, chef, runner, teacher, and list could go on and on. But, these roles I engage in are not who I am. They are merely the parts I get to play while on the stage of LIFE.

 I think of Earth life like the teardrop crystal prism that hangs in the window of my Reiki room. In the morning, when the sunlight is coming through the window it strikes that crystal prism creating beautiful, little rainbows all across the room. It’s magical. It’s my favorite place to start the day as I sit and sip my freshly made tea before doing my morning mediation, watching the sparkling rainbows dance all across my Reiki room is my favorite! We are like the sunlight that shines through my crystal prism. We are all truly Sacred Light energy, pure Cosmic Christos Consciousness, which has lowered its vibration in order to descend to Earth to use a physical body for a while. When our Sacred Light, our Cosmic Christos Consciousness, enters the body and uses the mind, it is like when light enters a crystal prism. The light going through the crystal is divided into the seven colors of a rainbow. White Light goes in and a rainbow comes out, just like when we see a rainbow in the sky. The sunlight has become many colors. ‘The one’ becomes ‘the many’. We are all ‘the One’. But in this physical existence, we are predisposed to focusing on ‘the many’. We are obsessed with the rainbow, the illusion. We forget this truth of who we are. We forget this truth about everyone.

The mind and the body function as the crystal prism. It is mostly through the mind that we are divided into ‘the many’. Therefore, it is through the mind that we can bring ‘the many’ back into ‘the One’. Change must first happen at the level of the mind in order for us to remember the truth of which we are created. We are not separate from God or each other at all. Truthfully, we are all intimately connected. A good analogy of this spiritual truth is the oak tree. This great tree divides its life into thousands of little acorns, each having the potentiality to become a mighty oak tree when they are immersed into the soil and nourished. So it is with God. God breaks his ‘Oneness’ into fractions, or ‘seeds’, Cosmic Christos Consciousnesses, and imparts these fragments into every human soul, this ancient Sacred Light is within us all. “We are like the little branch that quivers during a storm, doubting our strength and forgetting that we are the tree-deeply rooted to withstand all life’s upheavals.” (Dodinsky) We are a reflection of our Creator; the microcosm is the mirror image of the Macrocosm. 

This blog and my book, Sacred Light, are both about my journey to find ‘myself’. I will be sharing excerpts from my book each week in this blog. I will be going through each chapter, although not in order, to say what I want to say concerning each one. This will be a year long voyage through my memoir. There are 52 chapters in my book and 52 weeks in a year. I plan on reviewing them all. This post is from chapter zero. I started my book with chapter ‘zero’ for a significant reason. Zero represents the void from which we all come and to which we will all return; therefore, zero represents everything and nothing all at once. Zero represents the oneness we are all seeking. “I and my Father are one” is a statement Jesus made in John 10:30. (17) It is a momentous statement about all of us. Our essential connection to God is what makes us all exceptionally powerful! This power manifests from within us when we remember, acknowledge, and live this transcendent truth; we are all ‘the one’. Our quest in life is to be mindful of this before we breathe our last precious breath, and go home into the beautiful, lucid, white, Sacred Light of God from which we were created. Marianne Williamson, in her book A Return to Love said, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

I didn’t always understand, or appreciate, the fact that I am truly powerful. Actually, for most of my life, I felt very powerless. I was unaware of this celestial spark of heavenly Sacred Light wanting to shine luminously forth from within me until I was awakened. At first, I was terrified to leave the well worn path of Mormonism for one that was new, unfamiliar, and unproven. Nonetheless, I left. Leaving was the beginning of my awakening to the truth of who I am. It guided me to the discovery of my authentic Self; it led me to the realization of the certainty of who I am. I AM Peace, I AM Divine Love, I AM Joy, and I AM Sacred Light. Now, I identify with that Sacred Light within me. That is who I AM. That is my true self, my Sacred Self, my exact identity. It is who you truly are too.  
It wasn’t until I was completely broken physically, spiritually, and emotionally, that I had the comprehension, I was truly in control of my own life, my future, and my destiny. I was 100% responsible for my Life, no one else! If I was despondent it was up to me to fix it! Now that I had all of my power back, I could clearly see that, naively, I had given all of my power away to outside influences, blaming them for my unhappiness. Finally, I was able to look closely at, and investigate, my beliefs, my values, and my viewpoints on Life with unbiased eyes. I had reached rock bottom. I thought I had nothing left to lose. Surprisingly, in the end, I would lose my religion; which in turn, helped me lose my fear of God, and my fear of death. Those were two magnificently powerful presents! They unlocked, opened, and freed my mind.  

My objective and purpose for candidly sharing my story in my book and in this blog is first and foremost to repair my wounded Soul from the devastation it experienced when I learned that all I had been taught, and was teaching my children, was in fact a lie. In these posts I am writing what I have not been able to say to my extended family, my friends, my children, or my husband Randy, but which must be spoken by my lips in order for my broken heart to heal. Secondly, my intention is to assist others in awakening to the awareness that they are already enlightened beings illuminated with a majestic, Sacred Light from deep within them.

My main message in my book and in this blog is that we are more than just the body, the mind, our past, our future, our possessions, and our experiences in Life, so much more! We are intensely connected to a power greater than us, and it is always available for us to employ.  Anita Moorjani said it so excellently in her book, Dying to be Me. She says, “In truth, I’m not my body, my race, religion, or other beliefs, and neither is anyone else. The real self is infinite and much more powerful, a complete and whole entity that isn’t broken or damaged in any way. The infinite me already contains all the resources I need to navigate through life, because I’m One with Universal energy. In fact, I AM Universal energy.” This is what I have been able to discover as well since journeying on this mystical, spiritual path; we are all one with Universal energy, the void, the zero point, the Divine, and that is what we will all return to when the body ceases to function. I have faith that my book and this blog will be of assistance to facilitate that ‘remembering’ for someone, because this truth is staggeringly important to realize. The assurance is we are only Divine Love energy and Sacred Light energy, which makes us fabulously and enormously powerful!  

Until next week, Namaste!  



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